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Authentic Self Empowerment Retreat (ASE)

dal 28 Ottobre al 2 Novembre
  • Ritiro di 3 o 6 giorni.
  • Formazione di 6 giorni per chi vuole diventare ASE Facilitator e/o desidera aggiungere ulteriori competenze ASE alla propria professione.

Un evento unico nel suo genere in Italia per livello dei formatori e molteplicità delle competenze nell’ambito della psicologia, del benessere, della consapevolezza, della guarigione e del coaching.

Jevon Dangeli, ideatore del metodo ASE – Authentic Self Empowerment -, assieme a uno staff di fantastici formatori anch’essi preparati col metodo ASE, guida un ritiro studiato con diverse possibilità per poter incontrare le richieste di tutti:

  1. Ritiro di tre giorni, da venerdì 28 a domenica 30 ottobre;
  2. Ritiro di sei giorni, da venerdì 28 a mercoledì 2 novembre;
  3. Formazione di Authentic Self Empowerment Facilitator di sei giorni, da venerdì 28 a mercoledì 2 novembre (include il ritiro).

Le tre formulazioni si rivolgono a chiunque voglia ritrovare se stesso nel modo più ricco e potenziato in ogni ambito dell’esistenza: sul piano fisico, con importanti insegnamenti riguardanti il benessere, sul piano mentale, per mantenersi saldi e consapevoli, sul piano emozionale, per accogliere fragilità e renderle risorse, e naturalmente sui piani interpersonale e spirituale. Siamo uno con tutti questi aspetti e se uno solo di essi non è in equilibrio non raggiungiamo il nostro pieno potenziale, umano e divino al contempo.

Il ritiro si avvarrà dei migliori professionisti del campo della facilitazione e costituisce un’opportunità rara da non perdere assolutamente!


Venerdì 28 ottobre

  • Pomeriggio
    Arrival at Casa della Gioia during the afternoon
  • ore 17:00
    Welcome gathering, introductions and clarifying everyone’s intention for attending the retreat. Facilitated by the ASE Team
  • ore 18:00
    Nia Session – Nia is a transformational movement healing technique. Guided by Cecile
  • ore 19:30
  • Dopo cena
    Guided Open Awareness group meditation and sharing circle. Facilitated by Jevon

Sabato 29 ottobre

  • ore 7:00
    Yoga – based on the traditional Ashtanga Vinyasa practice, allowing the body to move whilst keeping awareness on the breath and the sensations within the body. Facilitated by Malin
  • ore 8:15
  • ore 9:30
    Introduction to Open Awareness and practice session, with Jevon
  • ore 10:30
    Jumi (judo mind) session – The core objective of jumi is to develop open awareness (embodied mindfulness) and the ability to maintain it in all contexts. Facilitated by Jevon
  • ore 11:45
    Introduction to ASE methodology and applications, with Jevon
  • ore 12:45
  • ore 14:00
    Self-Compassion & Mindfulness – Cultivating self-compassion is important at any point in our lives, but it is particularly important when we have difficult, strong and often overwhelming emotions arise. By working on self-compassion we can hold space for these difficult emotions and be kind towards ourselves no matter what we are experiencing. During this workshop we will learn how to generate greater compassion through a mindfulness practice. Presented by Jules.
  • ore 15:15
    Nature’s Way Process – attuning our collective consciousness as a group with the presence of trees & earth for ecological (win-win-win) inspiration. Facilitated by Jevon
  • ore 17:00
    Conscious Breathing exercise – diffuse stress and align your mind-body-soul. Guided by an ASE team member
  • ore 18:00
    Nia Session – Guided by Cecile
  • ore 19:30
  • Dopo cena
    Social or Silence – Choose your preference – a social gathering or a silent space around the fireplace in the lounge or garden

Domenica 30 ottobre

  • ore 7:00
    Yoga – with Malin
  • ore 8:15
  • ore 9:30
    Empowering the Highly Sensitive Person – As Highly Sensitive People, we have many unique strengths, yet sometimes we struggle to embody our innate trait of sensitivity. In this workshop, we’ll explore our strengths, and you’ll learn practical ways to cultivate your gifts. By the end of the workshop, you’ll have a clearer sense of your unique purpose as a HSP and feel more empowered to share your gifts with the world. Presented by Jules
  • ore 10:45
    Open Awareness in Nature session with Jevon
  • ore 12:45
  • ore 14:00
    Nonviolent Communication – Discover the connecting power of empathy and compassion. How to communicate clearly and effectively in all relationships. Presented by Mark
  • ore 15:15
    Jumi (judo mind) practice to enhance empathy and compassion. Facilitated by Jevon
  • ore 16:15
    Conscious Breathing exercise – diffuse stress and align your mind-body-soul. Guided by an ASE team member
  • ore 17:00
    Sharing Circle – space for free/creative expression. Guided by an ASE team member
  • ore 18:00
    Nia Session – Guided by Cecile
  • ore 19:30
  • Dopo cena
    Social or Silence – Choose your preference – a social gathering or a silent space around the fireplace in the lounge or garden

Lunedì 31 ottobre

  • ore 7:00
    Yoga – with Malin
  • ore 8:15
  • ore 9:30
    Sharing Circle – space for free/creative expression. Guided by an ASE team member
  • ore 10:00
    Nonviolent Communication – Learn how to listen beyond words and hear what is not being said. Putting empathy and compassion to practice in everyday life. Presented by Mark
  • ore 11:15
    ASE Facilitator training session. Facilitated by Jevon
  • ore 12:45
  • ore 14:00
    Awarenessing– open awareness embodiment – group session with Jevon
  • ore 14:30
    ASE Facilitator training & practice (with break time). Facilitated by Jevon
  • ore 18:00
    Nia Session – Guided by Cecile
  • ore 19:30
  • Dopo cena
    Contemplative Sharing Circle – open group gathering

Martedì 1 novembre

  • ore 7:00
    Yoga – with Malin
  • ore 8:15
  • ore 9:30
    Sharing Circle – space for free/creative expression. Guided by an ASE team member
  • ore 10:00
    ASE Facilitator training & practice (with break time). Facilitated by Jevon
  • ore 12:45
  • ore 14:00
    Awarenessing– open awareness embodiment – group session with Jevon
  • ore 14:30
    ASE Facilitator training & practice (with break time). Facilitated by Jevon
  • ore 18:00
    Nia Session – Guided by Cecile
  • ore 19:30
  • Dopo cena
    Social or Silence – Choose your preference – a social gathering or a silent space around the fireplace in the lounge or garden

Mercoledì 2 novembre

  • ore 7:00
    Yoga – with Malin
  • ore 8:15
  • ore 9:30
    Sharing Circle – space for free/creative expression. Guided by an ASE team member
  • ore 10:00
    ASE Facilitator training & practice (with break time). Facilitated by Jevon
  • ore 12:45
  • ore 14:00
    Open Awareness Integration for all – group guided process. Facilitated by the ASE team
  • ore 15:00
    Closing Circle and farewell with the ASE Team

Per informazioni o iscrizioni
Jana: +41 79 34 94 126, risponde anche in italiano

N.B: È consigliata una buona conoscenza della lingua inglese al fine di poter attingere anche alle minime sfumature dei preziosi insegnamenti trasmessi.

© Casa della Gioia - Via Fratelli Zampori 23 21010 Castelveccana (Varese),
T. +39 335 720 8149
Codice Cir 012045-CNI-00035 - PIVA 10802750967